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< Display Data Using Php Mysql Jquery in Json Format Access json php jquery arrays objects >

Question (1)  if the data is send by controller to js using ajax using format json
      then in js how to access array json data 

	$data['state'] = $state;
        $data['city'] = $city;
        $data['streetaddress'] = $streetaddress;
        $data['pincode'] = $pincode;

Answer  (1)

                        type: "POST",
                        dataType: "json",
                        url: baseUrl + 'index/geolocationaccess', 
                        data: JSON.stringify(requestData),
                        success: function(response) {
                            document.getElementById("sel1").value = response.state;
                            document.getElementById("street_add").value = response.streetaddress;
                            document.getElementById("pin_code").value = response.pincode;
                            LAT1 = response.LAT1;
                            LNG1 = response.LNG1;
                            LAT2 = response.LAT2;
                            LNG2 = response.LNG2;

Q no 2   if  Data is returned by Ajax request is  like this (ABOVE)
               "pincode_district":"Mirzapur","pincode_circle_name":"Uttar Pradesh",

Ans To display at front end 

< Display Data Using Php Mysql Jquery in Json Format Access json php jquery arrays objects >

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